
Why does Atypical Science exist?

In 2021 we asked you, the neurodivergent community, about your access to scientific health and wellness information. This is what you said:

  • 89% want better access and understanding of new scientific research about autism and neurodiversity.
  • 72% said that if you had better access and understanding of the scientific evidence for a therapy, medication, or support, you would have made a different choice in the past.

We exist so that you have better access to and understanding of health information, so you can make the best choices for you, your family, and your community.

How do we do this? We access the latest research about autism, ADHD, and other neurodivergence, then we:

  • Explain it in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Remove any discrimination and ablest perspectives from the research.
  • Discuss the usefulness and meaning of the research.
  • Always demonstrate our values of integrity, diversity, and inclusivity.

Who are we?

Dr Skye Marshall (she/her) is the Principal Blogger.

Skye is a neurodivergent, PhD-qualified dietitian with over 10-years’ experience as a medical and health researcher, communicator, and practitioner.

Skye is supported by an incredible team of atypical scientists. Find out more about Skye and the team by clicking here: http://www.atypicalscience.org/team

Atypical Bulb with brain icon inside

Why atypical?

“Atypical” means “not normal” or “not common”.

What we do at Atypical Science is not normal, because most science and health information is confusing, hard to access, and hard to use.

Instead, we make science and health information easy to understand, easy to access, and easy to use.

We also directly address the stigma of being different.

Most of our team are neurodivergent, which is sometimes called “atypical”. We are proud of our differences.

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Can you trust us?

We act with integrity

We make moral and ethical choices. We:

  • Use the most recent and relevant research when creating content.
  • Have no association with modern slavery.
  • Do not discriminate and try our best to remove or call out any ableism in the research we use.
  • Ensure all our content is peer-reviewed by a qualified health care professional who is neurodivergent.
  • Declare all conflicts of interest and affiliations.
  • Only recommend a product or service which genuinely supports the neurodiverse community and has demonstrated safety, effectiveness, and quality.

We are diverse

We are all different. We are a team of health care professionals and students including:

  • Medical practitioners.
  • Psychologists.
  • Dietitians.
  • Biomedical scientists.
  • Occupational therapists.

We are from all over the world, speak multiple languages, and over 70% of our core team identify as neurodivergent.

We are inclusive

We embrace everyone and their unique needs and value.

We include, support, and welcome all neurodiversities and differences.

Integrity Diversity Inclusivity Graphic in a Cloud

Disclaimers and disclosures

All information provided on this website and in any of our associated platforms is general in nature and should not be considered a clinical recommendation or health care advice specifically for your or networks.

Please seek individualized advice before making any decisions about health, medical, or social care.

We believe that neurodiversity means it is okay for people’s brains to function differently, and that there are many ways of being neurodivergent.

Whilst we aim to support all types of neurodivergence, we have a focus on autism and ADHD.

We recognize not all autistic people like to be called “autistic”. However, our team and many individuals diagnosed with autism prefer “autistic” and so we use person first language.

We do not recognize the term “Asperger’s Syndrome” or autism functioning levels. We use the terms autism and autistic to refer to anyone professionally or self-diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

We recognize self-diagnosis because we understand that a professional diagnosis is a privilege.

We do not believe that autism needs to be or can be cured. Instead, we create content which helps support neurodivergent people to be authentically themselves, and to live in a civilization designed for neurotypical or allistic people.

We do not believe that autism is caused by anything and we believe it is no one’s or nothing’s fault. Autism should not be prevented. Instead, we hope to build understanding of what the differences are and what they mean to make a better world for everyone.

Reflecting the strong preferences of many autistic advocates, we do not support Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

This site is owned and operated by Atypical Science. To keep the service free, Atypical Science generates income through participation in the Amazon affiliate program and other selected affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs and links are carefully screened to ensure that any recommended product or service supports the community, is neurodiversity-affirming, and aligns with the values of Atypical Science.

As an Amazon Associate and affiliate of other programs such as Autism Nutrition Library and Autism Works, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you purchase something after clicking on an affiliate link, it will not cost you any extra In some cases you may receive a discount via our affiliate link, for example, 20% off your first month’s subscription at Autism Nutrition Library: https://bit.ly/38zcKLx (Passcode: ATYPICAL)

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