
Health communication internships

Health Communication Internships are available to health care professional students, new graduates, and professionals seeking to grow their communication skills.

The internships are open internationally; however, applicants must have internet access and be able to read and speak English.

The internship is a 12-month self-directed program, with the primary role of developing content.

Internships for 2022 are now closed.

Atypical Science articles

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AutismAutistic adultsTherapies

Loneliness in autistic adults: New research

November 6, 2023
I am an introverted autistic adult and enjoy spending my time alone, but it does…
AutismAutistic adults

Sex and autism: Impact of autistic sensory sensitivity

May 8, 2023
For many autistic adults, sex is the elephant in the room. Sex and autism is…
AutismAutism parentsTherapies

Deep dive into acupuncture and autism: Does it work?

January 22, 2023
Summary  Not much is known about acupuncture and autism. There is no standard acupuncture treatment,…
AutismAutism parentsAutistic adultsNutrition

10 DOs and DON’Ts to manage selective eating for Autistics

December 9, 2022
Selective eating is common and natural in Autistic kids and Autistic adults. Currently, research studies…
AutismAutism parentsAutistic adultsNutrition

Difference between picky versus selective eating in autism

October 24, 2022
I am sure that at some point you have heard that ”picky eater” and ”selective…
AutismAutistic adultsDiagnosis

5 big barriers to autism diagnosis in adults

September 12, 2022
There are fewer adults diagnosed with autism than there are children.  What is stopping autistic…

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